The Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault (UCASA) works collaboratively with medical, legal, criminal justice, and advocacy professionals to ensure that primary and secondary victims of rape and sexual assault are treated with dignity and compassion and have access to appropriate support services. UCASA provides leadership, representation, and resources to rape crisis centers, individuals, and other entities committed to ending sexual violence through advocacy, training, technical support, and legislative education. UCASA also supports rape prevention education that challenges the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that allow sexual violence to continue.
Service area: Utah
Work with: Individuals and agencies engaged in sexual violence prevention and response
Services for survivors during incarceration include: Information and referrals to rape crisis services via phone or mail and written materials and multi-media resources addressing sexual violence prevention, response, and recovery.
Services for survivors after release include: All of the above.
Services for loved ones include: All of the above.
Fees: Free